List of KulpanRail stations
The following is a list of KulpanRail stations in Kulpania, including details on franchises serving the station and abbreviations.
Station name | Three-letter code | Region | Franchise(s) serving station |
Abnemint | ABN | Minletor | CapitalConnect |
Alanenhif | ALN | Telvon | CapitalConnect |
Anamit West | AAN | Tolcator | Dutell Trains, Kulpan highspeed, Westex |
Anlestijú | ALT | Straletor | CapitalConnect |
Ánsíúg | ASG | Minletor | CapitalConnect |
Aŋismól | AML | Coatet | CapitalConnect |
Aqisźen | AQS | Juttex | CapitalConnect |
Artun | ATN | Greater Potor | Great Soutrian Railway, Kulpan highspeed, Southeasternly Rail, Westex |
Aśinmetis | AMT | Juttex | CapitalConnect |
Atzen | ATZ | Micajer | Dutell Trains |
Aunten | ANT | Juttex | CapitalConnect |
Bagleswell | BGL | Towtalt | Dutell Trains |
Bantilmeg | BTM | Juttex | CapitalConnect |
Bigmistan Port | BIG | Towtalt | Dutell Trains |
Bisafen | BIS | North Soltahtor | Dutell Trains |
Bitanao | BIT | Micajer | Dutell Trains |
Blacan North | BLC | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect, Westex |
Blomenban | BMB | Straletor | CapitalConnect |
Bocoba | BOC | Middex | Dutell Trains, Kulpan highspeed, Westex |
Bo'dala West | BOD | West Potor | Southeasternly Rail, Westex |
Bómitnec | BMN | Telvon | CapitalConnect |
Carcom Avenue | CCR | Independent Province of Dalow | Kulpan highspeed, Westex |
Carlal | CLL | Olotontor | Dutell Trains |
Carpent | CBN | Minletor | Westex |
Castul | CAS | Nunnex | Dutell Trains, Kulpan highspeed |
Cfinbiź | CFN | Straletor | CapitalConnect |
Cinqún | CQN | Straletor | CapitalConnect |
Colman Road | CMR | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect, Westex |
Colton-on-Sea | CTS | Olotontor | Dutell Trains |
Comiqa Misten | CMQ | Coatet | CapitalConnect, Westex |
Csitben | CSB | Straletor | CapitalConnect |
Dalcinje | DCJ | Juttex | CapitalConnect |
Dalow Airport | DLS | Minletor | Southeasternly Rail |
Diaś | DAS | Towtalt | Dutell Trains |
Dimdisten | DDT | Minletor | CapitalConnect |
Dlesnústlof | DLN | Straletor | CapitalConnect |
Dorap | DRB | Olotontor | Dutell Trains |
East Paro | BRD | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect |
East Pepsal | BBD | Minletor | Westex |
East Saybar | SBD | Minletor | CapitalConnect |
Efihaben | EFH | Straletor | CapitalConnect |
Egonol | EGO | Soutria | Great Soutrian Railway |
Elemicgos | EMG | Straletor | CapitalConnect |
Enigsúm | ENG | Olotontor | Dutell Trains |
Enisról | ENS | Juttex | CapitalConnect |
Enumtan | ENM | Straletor | CapitalConnect |
Filinitamas | FTM | Independent Province of Dalow | Westex |
Finhistabil | FIH | Telvon | CapitalConnect, Southeasternly Rail, Westex |
Finhistabil South | FHM | Telvon | CapitalConnect |
Fint West | FNT | Olotontor | Dutell Trains |
Fósatal | FOL | Micajer | Dutell Trains |
Freɉin | FRJ | Juttex | CapitalConnect |
Gibalon | GBL | Hidontor | Southeasternly Rail |
Giemabol | GMB | Olotontor | Dutell Trains |
Gihabis | GIH | Straletor | CapitalConnect |
Gistan-tesíb | GST | Micajer | Dutell Trains |
Glaston Lane | GLS | Middex | Westex |
Gmanerilón | GMA | Juttex | CapitalConnect |
Great West Road | NRA | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect, Kulpan highspeed |
Higinvá | HIG | Greater Potor | Westex |
Histade Beach | HBH | Micajer | Dutell Trains |
Hokaten South | HCM | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect |
Holt | HOL | Sitontor | CapitalConnect, Great Soutrian Railway, Kulpan highspeed, Southeasternly Rail, Westex |
Iguana Point | GUA | South Soltahtor | Dutell Trains, Kulpan highspeed |
Inbadbu | INB | Straletor | CapitalConnect |
Inner Hokaten North | HCC | Independent Province of Dalow | Great Soutrian Railway |
Intfiltas | IFL | Minletor | CapitalConnect |
Isnolgiban | ISN | Telvon | CapitalConnect |
Istinmeź | ITM | Straletor | CapitalConnect |
Ítænl | ITN | Juttex | CapitalConnect |
Jihemiban | JHB | Telvon | CapitalConnect |
Jilŋin | JLN | Juttex | CapitalConnect, Westex |
Jilŋin Road | JLR | Independent Province of Dalow | Westex |
Jintesúa | JTS | Coatet | CapitalConnect |
Jisal | JSL | Olotontor | Dutell Trains |
Jislat Road | RJL | Micajer | Dutell Trains |
Júnáln | JUN | Juttex | CapitalConnect |
Jungisob | JUS | Minletor | CapitalConnect, Westex |
Katril | CTR | Sitontor | Great Soutrian Railway, Kulpan highspeed, Southeasternly Rail, Westex |
Kosban | COS | Olotontor | Dutell Trains |
Kosban Way | CSR | Olotontor | Dutell Trains |
Libmaqís | LMQ | Straletor | CapitalConnect |
Licfinab | LFN | Straletor | CapitalConnect |
Linbanlen | LBL | Straletor | CapitalConnect |
Lower Dencraten | DCD | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect |
Lower Placrem North | BCC | Independent Province of Dalow | Great Soutrian Railway, Westex |
Lowtah | LUT | Lowtahtor | Dutell Trains, Kulpan highspeed, Westex |
Lrabgihen | LRG | Coatet | CapitalConnect |
Mnabit́en | MNA | Coatet | CapitalConnect |
Moloc | MLC | Soutria | Great Soutrian Railway |
Minlesoca | MIN | Minletor | CapitalConnect, Westex |
Muffield Central | MFL | Minletor | CapitalConnect |
Nimcojúl | NIM | Minletor | CapitalConnect |
Nimlobed | NLB | Minletor | CapitalConnect |
Nintón | NNN | Middex | Dutell Trains, Westex |
Nintón South | NNM | Middex | Westex |
Nistera | NIS | Olotontor | Dutell Trains |
Norcan | NOC | Olotontor | Dutell Trains |
North Gentel | GNC | Minletor | CapitalConnect |
North Road | CRA | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect, Westex |
Northern Arena | TUB | Towtalt | Dutell Trains |
Ŋalamib | NLM | Independent Province of Dalow | Westex |
Ŋasí Port | NSI | Micajer | Dutell Trains |
Ŋila | NLA | West Potor | Westex |
Oliham | OLH | Micajer | Dutell Trains |
Oloton | OLO | Olotontor | Dutell Trains |
Oloton Airport - Terminal C | OXC | Olotontor | Dutell Trains |
Oloton Airport - Terminal M | OXM | Olotontor | Dutell Trains |
Onestor Way | ONR | Independent Province of Dalow | Great Soutrian Railway |
Onsatin | ONS | Towtalt | Dutell Trains |
Orbit Lane | OBL | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect, Westex |
Outer Dalow Junction | DLC | Minletor | CapitalConnect, Westex |
Outer Trora | TRD | Independent Province of Dalow | Westex |
Paro Junction | BRC | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect, Westex |
Pepsal High Road | BBJ | Independent Province of Dalow | Westex |
Placrem Avenue | BLR | Independent Province of Dalow | Southeasternly Rail |
Port Hidon | HDN | Hidontor | Great Soutrian Railway, Kulpan highspeed, Southeasternly Rail |
Port of Micajer Central | MSN | Micajer | Dutell Trains |
Prerom Avenue | BRR | Olotontor | Dutell Trains |
Probarol North | BBC | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect |
Qiscofa | QIS | Minletor | CapitalConnect, Kulpan highspeed |
Qronmne | QRN | Juttex | CapitalConnect |
Queen's Road | DJR | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect, Great Soutrian Railway, Westex |
Qústa | QUS | Nunnex | Dutell Trains, Kulpan highspeed |
Radulm | RAD | Coatet | CapitalConnect, Great Soutrian Railway, Westex |
Rifnemloc | RIF | Minletor | CapitalConnect |
Ringway | CRR | Independent Province of Dalow | Westex |
Rinjutimles | RJL | Juttex | CapitalConnect |
Rinuestát | RUT | Straletor | CapitalConnect |
Rucap Road | RCR | Olotontor | Dutell Trains |
Saŋsit | SNS | Middex | Westex |
Scinteś | SCT | Coatet | CapitalConnect |
Sedfnei | SEF | Minletor | CapitalConnect |
Serviceway | SVC | Independent Province of Dalow | Southeasternly Rail |
Shelall South | SLM | Straletor | CapitalConnect |
Skirassa North | SCC | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect |
Skirassa Road | SCR | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect, Westex |
Skiroff Airport | SKS | Juttex | CapitalConnect, Westex |
Siton | SIT | Sitontor | Great Soutrian Railway, Southeasternly Rail |
Solta | SOL | South Soltahtor | Dutell Trains |
South Dalow City | DDM | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect |
South West Road | RMN | Minletor | Southeasternly Rail |
Sranila | SRA | South Soltahtor | Dutell Trains |
Stralecob | STB | Straletor | CapitalConnect, Great Soutrian Railway, Westex |
Stralent | DST | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect, Southeasternly Rail |
Telvo | TLV | Telvon | Southeasternly Rail, Westex |
Terisca | TRS | Juttex | CapitalConnect |
Tesícit | TSC | North Soltahtor | Dutell Trains |
Tislofes | TLF | Towtalt | Dutell Trains |
Tisqánǽ | TQN | Juttex | CapitalConnect |
Tolcami | TCM | Tolcator | Westex |
Tolian Central | TOL | Micajer | Dutell Trains |
Tolian Front | TLH | Micajer | Dutell Trains |
Tondil | TON | Lowtahtor | Dutell Trains, Kulpan highspeed |
Tostran | TOS | Olotontor | Dutell Trains |
Towta Cinlof | TUT | Towtalt | Dutell Trains |
Towta North | TUC | Towtalt | Dutell Trains |
Tuenaev | TUE | Minletor | CapitalConnect |
Ucamosu | UCA | Hidontor | Southeasternly Rail |
Úngemof | UGM | Juttex | CapitalConnect |
Únimen | WNY | Straletor | CapitalConnect |
Unrenic | UNR | Juttex | CapitalConnect |
Upper Paro | BAR | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect |
Vinlran | VIN | Juttex | CapitalConnect |
Vonitlof | VNL | Telvon | CapitalConnect |
Water Circle | CRS | Olotontor | Dutell Trains |
Wesalor North | UEC | Micajer | Dutell Trains |
West Blacan | BLN | Independent Province of Dalow | Kulpan highspeed |
West Dalow City | DDN | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect |
West Dencraten | DCN | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect, Westex |
West Saybar | SBN | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect |
West Sǽnilme | SNN | Coatet | CapitalConnect |
West Skirassa | SCN | Independent Province of Dalow | CapitalConnect |
Zifanhe | ZFH | Towtalt | Dutell Trains |
Ziline | ZLI | Telvon | CapitalConnect, Southeasternly Rail, Westex |
Źaśtan | ZAS | Coatet | Westex |
Zisbinlo | ZBL | Straletor | CapitalConnect |
Zútiref East | ZUT | Straletor | CapitalConnect |